
Location: Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Born in England In New Zealand since 1955

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Someone asked what would have happened if Jesus was born a girl.

Now that's an interesting question. A woman going around preaching and doing miracles!

She would have grown up illiterate though. I doubt if she could have debated with the wise men in the Temple as a young girl, as Jesus did. She would not have had the opportunity to study the scriptures.

The Pharisees would probably have objected to her, but some of the goddess-worshipping sects of the time would no doubt have been delighted. "The Daughter of Isis" or Cybele If she was a virgin, Diana (Artemis)or Minerva (Athene) in the Roman world, or if she wasn't a virgin, Venus (Aphrodite). Maybe she would have ended up a temple prostitute-priestess somewhere.

I don't think the Romans crucified women. The Jews would probably have stoned her without involving Pilate.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It is claimed that the bones of Jesus may have been found.

I wonder how they would prove it. DNA might show a relationship between the various persons' bones. But that only proves they are related, they could be a different family altogether.

Google Jesus' genealogy. You will find plenty of sites, and it is shown in the Bible. (I think it is in Matthew 1).
Now if one of those ossuaries contains any sort of genealogy, and it corresponds, that could be one possible proof. But how do they know the bones inside are really those of the person named?

None of the bones should be broken. Maybe they will find nail marks on some, or on the skull from the crown of thorns. But even if the bones belonged to a crucified person that is not conclusive proof. Crucifixion was common in those times.If the inscription Pilate wrote (or had written) has survived with the bones, that would help.

Was the tomb where the bones were found the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea? Jesus was buried there, but according to the Bible the tomb was empty when the women called there next morning.

Does it really matter, today? It is his message that is important, not whether he appeared after the Resurrection in his physical body, or as a spirit.

Thomas Didymus wanted physical proof. Sensible chap! But after two millennia, proof will be difficult.

I await developments.

Friday, February 23, 2007

There is quite a bit about blogs in the Herald's "Canvas" today. Apparently everything put on one gets archived.
(And even good old Redbaiter gets a mention! Any nz.general folks around here?)

I did a search and found several articles I have written for magazines, about doves.
I also found everything I have ever sent to a newsgroup.

Teenagers apparently post everything they would put in a private diary.

So the moral is be careful what you say.


There is a website for people who own a Roboraptor to send comments etc.
I sent in a question about the operation, and gave my real age, but didn't hear back.

Most posters there were quite young children describing the games they played with their Roboraptors, so maybe they suspected an adult's motives. Well you can't be too careful where the safety of children is concerned.

It's a great toy. Mine is the original large one. The new one does more, but I like the looks of mine.
It took us about an hour to get it out of the box and put in all the batteries.
How's that for a 76th birthday present!

I got a butcher's glove for my 70th.
It's made of fine chain mail.
Now that's really useful. I wear it whenever there is a risk I might chop my fingers, for vegetables and the end of a loaf, as well as for cutting meat. I'll wear it when I'm using the pruning saw, too.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I've added this blog to my google profile. Now let's see if anyone answers.

"Will you walk in to my parlour?"
Said the Spider to the Fly

"Yes" croaked the big fat frog. "I love juicy spiders for breakfast!"

Friday, February 02, 2007

The Comet

So the comet won't be back for 80,000 years!

By then, humans, if still existing, will be very different from us. Our civilization will be long gone. Global warming and ice ages, and probably major wars, will have come and gone, and if we still exist we will be very much changed. Perhaps we may have split into several sub-species, or one of those species may have taken over. It is very unlikely that the huge population of today will still exist. For a while, technology will keep us going, but a population crash is inevitable.

We are the last hominid species left. If we have gone, that is the end. Whether another intelligent species will arise is anybody's guess. (Perhaps the rat?)

Other species will have become extinct, or will have evolved in different ways. Maybe it will be a world in which only the insects survive, if a great natural or man-made disaster occurs. The problems of nuclear war, disasters like Chernobyl, or the disposal of nuclear waste may have affected all life on earth.

The planet itself will have changed. It seems likely that global warming will have raised the sea level. The tectonic plates will have moved a little, perhaps enough to cause major earthquakes and tsunamis. There will probably have been many volcanic eruptions. Here in New Zealand, it is likely that the Auckland area, for one, will have been the subject of volcanic activity.

Earth may have been hit by one or more asteroids. How that will affect the planet is unknown.

Yes, when that comet returns it will be a very different world. Let us hope that somehow a few of our descendants survive to see it.