
Location: Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Born in England In New Zealand since 1955

Thursday, November 19, 2009

from nz.general

It is interesting comparing the Old Testament stories with what is known about those times, such as the possibility that the Ten Plagues of Egypt may have been caused by the Thera eruption.
Could the Crossing of the Red Sea and the drowning of Pharaoh's army have been the result of a large tsunami coming up from the Indian Ocean?

The New Testament of course gives an insight from a Christian point of view of the Roman world, and Rome's dealings with a rather unruly small tribe on the fringes of its empire. By then we are in historical times.
I wonder if somewhere there is a Roman account of the trial of Jesus, or perhaps the Centurion's memoirs waiting to be discovered.

The Epistles to the various cities show what was concerning the common people of those times in their everyday lives, in a civilization that ran on slave power.

Revelation seems to have been written soon after the destruction of Pompeii by the Vesuvius eruption. I wonder how much the writer knew about that. It's something to ponder, isn't it?