Location: Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Born in England In New Zealand since 1955

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

from alt.history,ancient-egypt

Of course our view of religion in ancient times is inaccurate. The further back we go, the fewer facts are available.
There are some written sources for the Roman religion. But the Druid religion of Britain and Gaul was passed on by word of mouth, and all we know about it was written down by the Romans, who abolished it.

And what exactly was the religion of Crete? We know it involved bulls. The Minotaur probably had some religious significance, but what?

Egypt had hieroglyphics and papyrus, and as translations become available we can learn more. But unless we were Egyptians of those times how could we understand?
e.g.They used to cut one leg off a living calf. What was the purpose of that? (Has anyone found out recently?)

Further back in the Palaeolithic, all we have are the Venus figurines and the cave art. What is the significance of the Trois Freres Sorcerer? It is unlikely that we will ever know.

The Jews do have a record of their early religion, going back to Moses in Egyptian times. But before that most would be legend.

Christians do know much of their history after Nicaea. But the earlier days, back to Jesus himself, may be myth.

So I say, believe what you like, or nothing at all. But don't persecute others for their beliefs.
Our descendants may have to make a choice between Christianity and Islam.
Let's hope it doesn't come to a religious war.


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