For a woman to live to 50, she would have had to survive ten or more childbirths before the days of antiseptics. A bad harvest could have meant starvation, for a peasant. Various illnesses that can be cured now killed many people, and hygiene was abysmal. A housewife's life was very hard, and she probably worked in the fields too. It was quite an achievement in those times to survive to see one's grandchildren.
The wealthy, of course, had a better chance.Earlier, before civilization among the hunter-gatherers, there would be even less chance of surviving much beyond thirty. People would be very fit, or dead.
Few women would survive to menopause in early times. It's just the end of reproductive life. Today we have years of freedom afterwards, not so for our ancestors. And the idea of sex after menopause still shocks some people!
The wealthy, of course, had a better chance.Earlier, before civilization among the hunter-gatherers, there would be even less chance of surviving much beyond thirty. People would be very fit, or dead.
Few women would survive to menopause in early times. It's just the end of reproductive life. Today we have years of freedom afterwards, not so for our ancestors. And the idea of sex after menopause still shocks some people!